Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Moment I Have Been Waiting For...

Yes, the rumors are true, Merrimint White Mocha is here! And unfortunately not to stay. 
I have only been looking forward to this moment for months! It came at the perfect time: just as the weather decides to drop 15 degrees and the wind decides to pick up. Yes, this week has been a cold week, so what could be more perfect than Christmas in a cup? Answer: not much. Especially if you compare Merrimint White Mocha to its debut twin: Gingerbread Latte.
The Gingerbread Latte was destined to fail. Not many cookie treats can be pulled off in liquid form. The Gingerbread Latte is no different. Whenever I took that first sip it tasted like a gingerbread cookie had been soaked in hot water with perhaps some milk added. I took a few more sips hoping it would grow on me. It did not. The only reason I kept the Gingerbread Latte in hand all the way back to my dorm was to keep my hands warm. I do not recommend drinking the Gingerbread Latte, instead drink the Merrimint White Mocha.
The Merrimint White Mocha is delicious whether hot or cold and the nice people at Java City will top it off with whipped cream and peppermint crumbles. Go and get it.
It. Is. Delicious.

Creative Commons License
Merrimint by Samantha Grubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.